The Alexa light ring on your Amazon Echo speaker is used to communicate different things to you, letting you know an action has been performed or an action is needed ...
Everything you say to your Echo speaker is recorded and saved as part of the process that lets Alexa get better at responding accurately to your voice. You can review ...
The Echo Dot speaker is not a bad-looking piece of tech, particularly the 3rd generation Dot. It is available in a number of different colours to better match your décor, ...
Since early August 2019, Alexa users in the US have a new command they can use to make the smart speaker easier to use or more fitting to their needs. ...
A Voice Profile is a way for Alexa to recognise who is speaking to her. It allows the device to give a more personalised experience, and will open up additional ...
Setting up your Echo speaker and the Alexa app is fairly easy, just follow the instructions below and you will soon be ready to listen to music, create reminders and ...
The Echo speakers are all pretty robust, but if you do experience unexpected problems, or if the speaker is unresponsive for any length of time, you can quite easily reset ...
The sound quality of all the newest Echo devices is pretty impressive. But if you already a brilliant Bluetooth speaker you might prefer to play your music through that. ...
Follow-up mode for Alexa makes it much easier to give voice commands as it removes the need to say "Alexa" before each command in a series of commands. ...